I hope 2022’s sendoff found you content, celebrated, and ready for some new reading material in 2023 because I’ve got a bundle coming your way this year.
Potentially, I’ll have five projects drop this year! But since I don’t know if two will be published this year, I’ll talk about the three that should.
First up, the second book in my Harrowed Earth series, Cicero Wants You, will land this Spring. I know I’ve been talking about it for a while now, so if you need a refresher on what you’re in for:

Continuing the Conquered: After the Fall pentalogy set in the postapocalyptic world of New Vision Comic Collective, Cicero Wants You will tell the story of The Kingdom. Once a major midwestern city on Earth That Was. Kansas City.
But no more.
With a series of hard-won baronies built in its place, The Kingdom stands as one of the last vestiges of humanity. Cicero is in the barony of Renaissance in her capacity as a Bard—peacekeeper, lawmaker, and beyond. Criminal activity has been showing an uptick in frequency throughout The Known Lands, and the Bards, in response, are trying to increase their recruitment numbers.
Banesska’s Traveling Game—a wandering holdover from Earth That Was—equal parts circus, professional sports tournament, and county fair, is playing consort to Cicero as she travels.
Wade Batalon, a young Digger. Kendra Lawdrake, a budding Technolomist; and Sepia de Winter of the barony of Renaissance. All three get wrapped up in an attack that could ignite the powderkeg of disparate tensions within The Kingdom.
Cicero tries to maintain order, but how much can one Bard take?
Next up, this June, my online comic (find it in weekly installments already on my Patreon!) will be collected into a physical comic book, Jan The Vagabond #1! I’ll be publishing Jan's adventures under the new comic imprint of K&Q Press, Wandering Wizard Comics. Check it out!

I’m hesitant to announce this third project, as I’ve jerked it around for so many years, but let’s have some faith, shall we?
This Fall will see the arrival of Juniper Soot in Monsters In The Park! It’s been a loooong time coming, but you’ll finally get to read the follow-up novel to Waking The Weaver and learn more about the mysterious village of Timberhaven.

Here’s the back cover blurb:
Timberhaven is full of magic—beautiful stories and mesmerizing music. But tucked into some of its darker corners, monsters dwell.
Juniper Soot is eight years old and new to town. A hard world has left her hurting and hiding inside her beloved Science books.
But when the darkness in Timberhaven starts to step beyond its boundaries, what can a kid scientist and her newfound family do?
As Juniper’s story begins to weave into the magic tapestry of Timberhaven’s—with a talking cat, an obnoxious living drawing, and some vicious bullies—will her scientific method stand a chance against The Monsters in the Park?
I’ll announce the other two projects once I have more info. Just know it’s a busy year in the studio, and I can’t wait to share it with you!