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A 2021 Update
Wow. 2020, eh? But it’s a new year full of hope, wonder, and new projects! Before I get too far along here, yes. Monsters in the Park is...
News, Insights, and Randomness February 2020
I used to go to swap meets, antique stores, and garage/yard sales a lot more than I do nowadays. Not always to buy — though I’ve ever...
Listening to Timberhaven: A Walk Around Town
Seven. An important number in Timberhaven. There are seven iron wrought lanterns suspending from the ceiling of The Pub. Seven spring-fed...
Update: Monsters In The Park
I love Stranger Things. Big, big fan. But the Duffer Bros. have really messed up my working life . . . Let me explain by asking my fellow...
A New Contest!
I’ve got info to share. Been meaning to tell you, but I’ve been busy making up stories. Let me just finish this paragraph real quick. . ....
Shows, Signings, and a Cover Reveal!
Hey all! I know it’s been a bit since I posted any news of the writerly persuasion, so here’s an update. I will be at ConQuest 50 on May...
The A.C. In K.C. Book Tour!
I’m finally doing some signings at home, and just in time for a new book! That’s right, this October a collection of Halloween-themed...
A Word From the Author
Timberhaven. Helluva little town, isn’t it? A microcosm made up of What Ifs and I Wonders, with a pinch and a dash each of science...
Come One, Come All!
When I was a kid, comic book stores were magical places, like libraries where you could talk or toy stores with aisle after aisle of...
Timberhaven’s First Podcast!
That’s right, this weekend yours truly will be on PCBombcast, or, Pop-Culture Bomb-Cast (that’s their little bomb guy mascot/avatar up...
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